Get Creative With River Rock In Your Landscaping

Adding river rock to your landscaping can take your outdoor design to the next level. River rocks are a unique, eye-catching addition, and they come in a wide range of sizes and colors, so you're sure to find one that fits your style.

Whether you're looking for a simple touch or an ambitious project, here are some tips on how to incorporate river rock into your landscaping.

Using River Rock As Ground Cover and Mulch 

River rocks can be used as ground cover in flower beds or around trees and shrubs. These rocks can help keep the area around your plants weed-free and prevent soil erosion.

River rocks also look great when used as decorative mulch — simply spread a layer of the rocks around your plants for an attractive and natural look. You can also use them as mulch for a rustic look or even as a driveway covering if you want something different from gravel.

Remember that river rock is heavier than other types of stone, so make sure your soil can support the added weight before adding it to your landscaping plan. You don't want parts of your lawn to sink or settle because of the extra weight.

River Rock Water Features

If you want something more creative, consider building a water feature with river rock. This can be anything from a small fountain or pond to a larger waterfall feature. You can use the rocks to create a border for the feature and to provide an attractive backdrop. Simply arrange the rocks to form a natural-looking border, with the bigger stones at the bottom and the smaller ones near the top.

River rock can also be used in conjunction with water plants. The rocks add a unique texture and color, and they can help keep the soil in place even when the water level changes. This is a big help if you're dealing with a lot of runoff or water that fluctuates through the seasons.

Creating Pathways With River Rock 

If you have a large area of land that needs some sprucing up, consider creating a pathway with river rock. A river rock pathway can be a great way to add interest and texture to your outdoor space. Plus, it's an easy project you can do yourself in just a few hours.

Start by laying down landscape fabric to prevent weeds from growing through your path. Then, outline the pathway with larger pieces of river rock, using smaller rocks to fill in the gaps. When you're done, you can use a broom or leaf blower to sweep away any loose stones.

To ensure the stones stay in place, use edging along the edges of the path. This will give the path definition while also keeping it secure. If you want, you can also mix and match different sizes of stones to create an interesting visual pattern along the length of the path. 

For more info on landscaping materials, contact a company like A & A Materials
