Understanding Common Concrete Foundation Problems

Concrete foundations are a crucial component of any building, providing the necessary support and stability for the structure. However, problems with concrete foundations can arise due to various factors such as soil conditions, poor construction, or natural disasters.

What Are Common Problems With Concrete Foundations?

Some common issues that affect concrete foundations include cracks, sinking or settling, bulging or bowing walls, and water infiltration. Cracks can occur due to shrinkage during curing or stress from soil movement or structural loads. Sinking or settling occurs when the underlying soil does not adequately support the foundation. This can lead to uneven floors or gaps between walls and ceilings.

To effectively address common problems like cracks, sinking or settling foundations, bulging or bowing walls, and water infiltration, it is crucial to identify their root causes. Once identified, appropriate solutions tailored to each issue can be implemented. For example, repairing cracks may require epoxy injections to seal them effectively. Sinking or settling foundations may require techniques like piering which involves installing steel piers beneath the foundation to provide additional support. To prevent bulging or bowing walls from worsening over time, wall anchors may need to be installed to improve support.

What Are The Different Foundation Repair Options?

Piering involves driving steel piers into the ground beneath the foundation, which then provides support for the structure. Conversely, underpinning involves excavating around the foundation and extending it deeper into stable soil to provide additional support.

Slabjacking is the process of injecting a combination of cement, sand, and water under a sunken concrete slab to bring it back up to grade. This process lifts the slab back into its original position and helps restore its stability. In addition to being a quick repair, slabjacking offers a permanent solution to these issues.

Can Foundation Repairs Be Done Year-Round?

Foundation repairs can generally be done year-round. However, certain conditions make some seasons more favorable than others for specific types of work. For example, outdoor excavation work may be challenging in colder climates with freezing temperatures during winter months due to frozen ground or snow cover. On the other hand, hot summer temperatures cause workers to experience fatigue more quickly or affect materials such as concrete curing times.

Weather conditions can significantly impact foundation repair work regardless of the season. For example, rain can cause delays in projects that involve excavation or working with wet materials. High winds can pose safety risks when operating heavy machinery like cranes. Additionally, extreme heat during summer months may require extra precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses among workers.

To find out more, contact concrete foundation services today.  
